My best friend got married on Saturday, and I was lucky enough to be there. Rachel met Jacob in high school and I knew that they would get married sooner or later. At first I thought I was going to lose my best friend, but I've started looking at it differently. Instead of losing a friend I'm gaining another one. I'm excited to get to know her husband better especially since they're moving to Provo on Friday!
On Wednesday I flew into Long Beach. When I bought the plane ticket I didn't realize it was the 24th of July, which is my favorite summer holiday and I was going to miss it. My friends knew that and so they decided to get a little festive. Rachel told me to look for her red car which was weird since I knew she would be driving it anyway....oh well. I was waiting at the curb when I saw 3 pioneer girls walking towards me. At first I thought "those girls must've just gotten off trek and rushed to the airport to meet a missionary," but as they got closer I started reading their signs and then it dawned on me that those weren't trekkies but my roommates. It was a joyous reunion to say the least.

On Thursday we kicked it into high gear and starting setting up the cultural hall for the reception. Rachel was going through the temple that afternoon so we bridesmaids got the afternoon off. We went all over town to get Rachel's "date night" presents which took a while. We knew that Rachel was going to go to bed early Friday so we kidnapped her and took her out for pazookies Thursday night. For the past 3 years she's been raving about a place called BJs and every time I go to California she says we need to go. Since we haven't ever been and since there isn't one in Utah we decided to take her there because we know she LOVEs them.

Friday was crunch time. We were at the church from 9-7 PM. At 7:30 Rachel was getting last minute things together and getting ready to tucker down for the night. Cara, Tess, and I wanted to get out and do something so we said goodbye to Rachel for the last time as a single girl. Those who know me know I don't usually cry a lot, but when we said goodbye to Rachel I bawled (she did too). I know I'll see her again, but I knew things would never be the same after she got married.
After we said our teary goodbyes to Rachel and her mom we headed down to Seal Beach because we didn't want to go to California and not touch the water. Before heading home for an early bedtime we drove into Long Beach where we got a little lost. We finally got home - it just took about half an hour longer.
Tess got a little wet |
On Saturday we woke up at 5:30 and headed out the Fisher's door at 7:45. Cara, Tess, Katie (Rachel's sister), and I picked up the bouquets and boutonnieres on the way to the temple. I had never seen the LA temple before and it's as beautiful as Rae Fish has always insisted. We waited for the newlyweds in the visitors center and then took photos for a while. After leaving the temple we crashed at the Fisher's before going to Westminster for the luncheon. After the luncheon we headed home to wait for Rachel so we could help her into her wedding dress.
The reception was a hit. We danced, cried (at least on the inside), and ate (Rachel had 6 different flavors of bundt cake). After we sent the newlyweds away by tossing (more like pelting them) sprinkles on them we quickly disassembled the whole cultural hall in about an hour and a half.
Sunday morning we got to sleep in! Rachel's brother Matthew picked us up from the Nunnally's (where we were staying) after he hurried to the church before it started because we all forgot the wedding dress and Jacobs suit in the primary room. We got to hang out at the Fishers while Matthew and Jerry made us French toast. After that Cara and I caught our flight to Salt Lake and there we said goodbye for the next month!
Cara went to great lengths to decorate the car |
decorating the getaway car |
We put curling ribbon on Rach's helmet |
I caught the bouquet |
The shrine made with the table centerpieces dedicated to Rachel and Jacob on the Fisher's mantle |
Bridesmaids on the way to the temple |
One of the biggest blessings in my life so far has been meeting Rachel. I am extremely grateful that I randomly chose the open bed in room 3107 three years ago. She has been the best friend any girl could ask for and I'm so happy for her and Jacob. I'm honored that she asked me to be there on her special day. I love her dearly and hope the best for her. It's bittersweet to see her turn the page onto a new chapter in her life and the change will definitely be an adjustment, but that's what life is all about right?
Change and making memories that count. And we have definitely made many memories together and hopefully will make many more.
Congratulations Rachel and Jacob Dimick!