Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Series #4

Two of my favorite traditions of Christmas are:  

1. Eating at Siegfried's Delicatessen.  
Even though we're not a huge fan of the food we go because it's nostalgic for Dad 
who served his mission in Frankfurt


2. The annual family tamale party at the Crowleys home

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christ Lives

When the firemen could start retrieving things from inside the Provo Tabernacle after it almost completely burned down two days ago, they brought a badly charcoaled picture outside. had a photograph online of some firemen looking at the badly burned picture.  The picture was completely black, except for Christ himself.  I don't think it was a coincidence that Christ survived the fire.  In the midst of all the devastation, one thing was wasn't destroyed was Christ's presence.  It is a reminder that He lives and is there for us through the thick and thin.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Much needed study break

What we can accomplish in a 5 minute break:

 back to the books.

Less than 24 hours until...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Two finals down. Two to go. Two more days.

Today started off pretty well.  I felt really good about my final.  I went into the testing center confident and feeling prepared.  Coming out of the test?  Well... I felt like I had at least gotten at B.  I will just say that although my score wasn't quite in that range, I am still near the curve.  Phew, I'm just glad that certain class is over!

After my final I went to sellback my textbooks.  At the beginning of the semester I spent $200+ on books...guess how much I got back?  A lousy $12.  What is up with that?!  And the $12 was for a book we maybe read out of twice this whole semester.

On the bright side I only have two more dreadful days and two finals.
Wish me luck.
2 more days until I'm back in the great valley of Salt Lake.

Although, I will miss these crazies:

Monday, December 13, 2010


I just studied 3+ hours with two of my girlfriends for my American Heritage final tomorrow.

Those 3 hours plus the time I studied earlier better pay off!

p.s.  I'm so excited only 3 more days until I get to go home!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vent Session Coming Your Way!

So you know those caricatures that are at every theme park in the nation?

 Well tonight I went to the dance at the Cannon Center to celebrate the last day of classes and they had 5 people drawing caricatures.  We got in line at 10:30.  Tess and I stayed in line for an 1 1/2 high heels.  Well at 11:50 the lady in charge told us that there was a possibility that we wouldn't get done.  I said to Tess earlier "watch, the people in front of us will get done but we won't."  Well we waited and waited.  Finally the people in front of us sat down in the chairs.
 There was still hope!  
Well the lady again advised us to just go enjoy the last 5 minutes of the dance because at that point there was no way we would get done.  So we took her advice and left....well.  This is where I get miffed.  We left the line, the people behind us got out of line, but two random girls behind them went and sat down.

Yes folks, Tess and I waited in line for 90 minutes in heels, we were told to leave so we did, and then some people behind us got their picture done.   Man, I rarely get mad in front of my friends but I'm so MAD!!!!

Of course, my luck!

I'm still fuming!  But hopefully I'll wake up in a better mood than I am in right now.

p.s. Thanks for listening to my sob story

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm Proud to be an American

Today was the last day of my first semester in college.  
I'm not going to lie, I teared up in American Heritage and Political Science.
My American Heritage teacher greeted us with a video montage with pictures of America
while playing the song "Slice" by Five For Fighting.

Later I went to PoliSci we were covering current events.
Most of the hour was spent talking about radical Islamism.
I was feeling pretty depressed because of all the horrible things happening in the world today,
but then Sister Kern bore her testimony on America.
The spirit was so strong in that room.
She finished the class with a video montage.
This video doesn't do justice to the video shown in class but I couldn't find that one.
I left class feeling so patriotic.


I'm grateful for America.

I'm grateful for the privilege to worship my Heavenly Father and practice my religion freely.

I'm grateful for Sister Kern, for her passion about politics and America in general, and for the time she spent into creating her presentations.  I'm sad this was her last semester teaching, but I'm glad I took the class from her before she left.

I'm grateful for our armed forces who put their lives on the line everyday to preserve our freedoms.

I'm especially grateful for my cousin Troy, who has dedicated the last five years to the Army and spent a tour of duty in Iraq.

I'm grateful for our Founding Fathers and truly believe they were inspired of God.

All in all, I am proud to be an American!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Series #3

My family knows that I am OBSESSED with glass Christmas ornaments.  Well...I am.

So far I have added 3 to my collection this year....

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tests, tests, and more tests

Adieu Facebook.  Adieu YouTube.  Adieu movies.

See you after finals!!!

Pretty much adios to ANYTHING on my computer that will distract me from studying.

Friday, December 3, 2010

There should be a minimum speed limit

I think they should put these up all over campus!!!  Going between classes would be so much easier.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

J. Biebs

In a world where it is becoming increasingly taboo to talk about religion, it is refreshing to see a teen idol express his belief in God.

My love for Justin Bieber has just become greater than it was before!

The Countdown Begins

Today I can finally start this:

It's been at least 7 years since I've had an advent calendar.  My mom stopped buying me one when I was 12!