Saturday, March 19, 2011


2 hours in the testing center + 8 hours in the library = 10 hours on campus today.  Surprisingly this day has been long but fast....probably because I've been cooped up all day and I'm not even done with my homework yet.  Ugh, joy.  Aren't Saturdays suppose to be a day off from school?!
p.s. on the bright side, the late night study dates with the library paid off.  2 tests down 1 to go.

Friday, March 18, 2011


There are few things better in [college] life than getting a "WAY TO GO" next to my test score in the Grant Building this morning.  It was like the testing center was saying, "hello Abby, we hope you have a great rest of the day this lovely Friday!"  Well, good morning Friday.  I am glad you are finally here, even though you are starting off a weekend that is jammed packed of study dates with the library, preparing for two tests and loads of homework due next week.

Which is where I am right now as I right this: the library.  In addition to getting a test taking confidence boost, and as if getting a "WAY TO GO" next to my test score wasn't enough, I also received a compliment from my cubicle. (p.s. thank you whoever wrote it for making my day a little better)

sorry for the bad quality and glare.
In case you can't see what it says it says "URpretty"

I must say my weekend is off to a pretty good start, but I hope it stays that way.  Hopefully the multiple late nights this week in the library until 11 P.M. (sometimes later) will pay off.

Late night study break with Ana and Rachel,
"pigging out" at the HFAC vending machines
Now I am back to the books feeling pretty good about today, and it's not even 10 A.M.
I hope you have a GREAT Friday, and take advantage of your free time this weekend because I am envious of you (unless, of course, you're stuck in the library like me, then I empathize with you)!
Maybe I'll be able to get out in this glorious weather and throw a little frisbee to de-stress myself.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Real Thing: Coca-Cola

For my geography class I have to write an essay on an innovation or idea that started in the United States and has diffused domestically or internationally.  I chose to write about the Coca-Cola Company.  Since researching the company I have been nostalgic for the old (at least to me) commercials with the jingle that ends with "whenever there is fun, there's always Coca-Cola."  Man I miss hearing that jingle on television.  Well anyway I have been reminiscing by watching Coke commercials and am including my two favorite.

Enjoy the videos while I get back to writing my essay.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Todays mood: summer-sick

Is there such a thing as being summer-sick?  If there is then that is what I'm feeling today.  Todays weather is perfect.  All I want to do right now is drive along Foothill Drive and the belt-route with the windows down while belting to some summer jams with my sisters.  Maybe I'm just being nostalgic but that is the epitome of my summer : driving Chug (my trusty toyota) to Target on a hot summers day with the sunroof open and all the windows rolled down.

My ultimate summer playlist includes:

1.  Summertime - Kenny Chesney
2.  Summer girls - LFO
3.  I Go Back - Kenny Chesney
4.  Swing Swing - The All-American Rejects
5.  Move Along - The All-American Rejects
and last but not least
6.  ANY Jesse McCartney song...because what is summer without Jesse?!  It just wouldn't be the same.

This picture does not to it justice but imagine this scene with sun, marshmallow clouds and without the inversion