Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today's Debacle

Everyone who is probably reading this knows that I am not an outspoken person.  I usually fade to the back in big crowds of people.  I never put anything political on my Facebook page and shrink from talking about anything political with people other than my family.  However, I really want to share something with you.

In my multicultural education class this week we are talking about same-sex attraction.  It just so happens that the homework assigned today correlates very well with what is happening in D.C.: the Supreme Court heard arguments about Proposition 8 against gay marriage.

All day I have stayed out of any debates that have arisen, but I want to share this article:

Navigating The Labyrinth Surrounding Homosexual Desire

It's long but it's definitely worth reading.  I want to put it on my Facebook so people can see what I believe in (but, you know me) I don't want to start a cyber fight.  I will share it on here though.

I'm extremely grateful for the Gospel and for the freedom it gives me.  Many people look at it as inhibiting, but to me it's liberating.  I'm so grateful for the knowledge that I have and for the blessings that my Heavenly Father has bestowed upon me.  I am grateful for and love my family, and I will always protect them and that institution because it is one of the greatest blessings I have.

Saturday, March 2, 2013