Friday, May 30, 2014

Start of Summer

May has flown by.  Where has the time gone?  Oh, I know- commuting.  This semester I'm commuting up to Salt Lake twice a week for a class in the BYU Salt Lake Center!

Anywhoo, my summer has not been a disappointment thus far.

My roommate Paige left for DC at the beginning of May.  She's interning for the NSA out there for the summer.  I miss her dearly (and it's only been 4 weeks).  I'm excited that I get to see her in 2 weeks for Aly's wedding out in New York!

Speaking of Aly, this is her (see above). The photo on the left was taken on the first day of fall semester when I barely knew them.  Their personalities definitely come through in this photo.  I've been so extremely blessed with roommates! I love these girls (and Elizabeth who is not pictured) so much.  They've become some of my best friends, and although I'm excited for Aly to be getting married in 2 weeks I'm going to be sad coming back to Provo to an empty apartment without her.

A couple weeks ago on Mother's Day we got to go up to Uncle Ned's to celebrate with the Franklin side of the family.  Since Nate had never been to Uncle Ned's place we went out to see all the animals.  Usually I wouldn't find that so fun, but this little girl (Arley- Shayla and Taylors daughter) was fun to put on my shoulders to explore the "farm"

Brooke and I bought tickets to go see Nickel Creek at Kingsbury Hall.  There's not much to say about them, but they're were really good live!

I've been spending most every weekend down in Spring City helping the parentals get ready for the Home Tour (which was last Saturday).  Ansley and Spencer came down a couple weeks ago to help mom and dad. We mostly just hung out, but we did help dad fix a fence and we ran errands.

There's been a joke going around the ward that Ansley and Spencer are dating (which they are not), but they've been joking about it so these are few of their (fake) engagement photos.  I love Spencer's face in the photo above

Obligatory Family Photo

Sunday, May 11, 2014


This is a beautiful tribute to all Mothers! But I must say mine is the best!


Monday, April 7, 2014

The Adventures of Little Corey

A couple months ago at the Relief Society Christmas white elephant party I got this cast iron piggy bank.  We kept it by our front door for good luck.  Every time we would leave our apartment we would rub it, and if we needed a lot of luck we could put some change in it.  It is all nonsense, but hey, we actually felt like we had good luck....that was before Brad kidnapped him.

It became a joke between us and we would try to steal the pig (or Little Corey as I named him) from each other.  Aly commented once that Brad and I were like a divorced couple sharing custody.
Brad would occasionally take Little Corey on adventures and snapchat them to me.

Another adventure Little Corey got to go on...

After a month of me not being able to steal Little Corey back from Brad I began to think he lost him.  He came up with this elaborate story about how he took him hiking up Mt. Timpanogos with him and his friends.  Apparently he had taken Corey out of his backpack to take a picture and someone bumped Brad and Little Corey toppled off of Brad's hand and tumbled down the hillside to his doom.

Gullible me believed him until as he was leaving my apartment I asked, "do you feel bad at all that you lost my pig?"  As he ran sprinted out the door he yelled "I would, if he actually fell off the mountain."
All kidding aside I really just wanted my pig back. I don't know why, it was silly really, but I wanted him back.  So with the help of his roommate I took Little Corey back.  I then snapchatted the following picture to Brad.

After I took this photo I put Little Corey in my bedroom where he would be safe from Brad.

He hadn't said anything about Little Corey and then yesterday morning when I came upstairs to eat breakfast Paige asked me if I had been on facebook.  I looked and the day before (on April Fools day) Brad had posted and video and a note on our ward facebook page that said  "Just thought I would let everyone know of the abuse that has been going on at the Enclave behind all of our backs. Please support the cause. Call today..."

Thankfully no one every called me.  So ya, Brad now has Little Corey again (I don't believe he killed him) so now I need to get him back and put this to rest once and for all!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas Time

FHE Family Christmas Photos

Ward Christmas Party
Some pictures from the Preprofessional Advisement Center (PPAC) instagram challenge over Christmas break.  Kris Tina and Greg said I don't instagram enough so we came up with the idea to instagram one thing a day for the whole Christmas break so we can keep up on everybody's lives.

Roommate Photos! I love these girl!

Aly, Elizabeth, me, and Paige

Bring on Winter semester!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

Turkey hangovers

We missed Erin, Brooke, and Nate though!  I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful family on both the Barker and Franklin side.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feelin' 22

For the past 3 years Rachel, Tess, and Cara have tried to surprise me on my birthday.  For the past 3 years I've ruined their surprise.

This year they totally helped my sister Rachel pull off a huge surprise.  That night I went out to dinner with my old roommates to the Pizza Factory.  I had planned on going to see Catching Fire with my new roommates (which we did later that night) so I invited CRAT to come in to see what time we were going to leave.  The whole time Rae Fish was texting Chol telling her where we were at.  I walked into my apartment with CRAT and to my utter surprise they had pulled off a surprise party for me.  I seriously was baffled because I literally had no idea.
A couple days before Chol apparently had Rae Fish call me and ask if she, Tess, and Cara could take me out to dinner.  I suspected nothing. Chol then contacted Paige to see if she could come decorate our apartment while I was at dinner.  My new roommates were in charge of inviting people over to surprise me when I got home.

It meant so much to me that most everyone that I love in Provo were there to celebrate with me.  My old roommates and some friends from my University Villa Ward, my new roommates and friends from the Enclave Ward. Even Brooke and Nate came down from Lehi.

I'm one blessed girl!

Friday, November 22, 2013


I can't believe I haven't blogged in 2 1/2 months.  I have to be better, but since I can't go back in time I am going to do what I have done in the past and recap using photos.

My roommate Paige danced in the BYU Spectacular back in September. 

 I went to the Lumineers concert with Rachel and her friend Brett.  We had been looking forward to it for months, only for it to get cut short because of the wind after 4 songs were performed. Blast.

 I got to hang out with my favorite cousins on the Barker side.

Our own little Holy War
Grad Fair was a success this year. I work for the best office on campus.

Fall definitely hit Provo this year and Elizabeth and Brad showed their true feelings for the season.

 Tess got engaged on her birthday and we were lucky enough to all be together to "surprise" her on her birthday....although she had the real surprise when she showed us the ring.
Congrats Tess and David

Celebrated Eric's birthday

Carved pumpkins.  Everyone thought mine and Paige's was an electric bicycle.  No. It is Harry Potter

 The PPAC pulled off a great Law Fair this year too.  I'm going to miss not being there for next years.

Halloween 2013
(Rosie the Riveter, Lumberjack, Cher from Clueless, Hipster, and Siri)

Aly had her senior piano recital the other day.  I had to leave right after so we didn't get a roommate picture so I'll post one of her trying on the stunning dress she wore.
Congrats Aly!

Thanksgiving came early this year with the PPAC dinner at the Carlklefs