Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happee Birthdae Harry

We toast our butterbeer...

...and drink to you!

Cheers mate

Friday, July 27, 2012

Games of the XXX Olympiad


This is the 3rd time London has hosted the Olympics.... it's just that awesome.

Another picture, because who doesn't love google animations?!

2012 was/is a good year for London.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pioneer Day Festivities

I'm such a bad blogger.  I'm sorry I have neglected it so long....mostly because this is like a journal for me.  Stats 121 has basically taken over my life.  But I have gotten a chance to steal away some time to have fun.

Last Tuesday I went up to Salt Lake with Mary A. and my friend Travis to see the Days of 47 floats.  Every year they put the floats on display a week before the parade.  Some of them were really well done and some were really creative.  However, my favorite would have to be the one that incorporated a little bit of London in it.  I'm not excited sure why it was included but as you can see in the picture below one stake portrayed early missionaries in London and speakers corner in Hyde Park.  And of course Big Ben didn't want to be left out so he made an appearance too.
Even though I've been home longer than I was actually away, I still miss London everyday.  I left a big part of my heart there.  I can't wait to watch the olympics which start on Friday, not necessarily because I'm excited to watch the sports, but because I'm excited to see shots of the place I called home for 3 months.
Not exactly sure what ice cream has to do with Pioneer day......
We couldn't help it.... we needed a picture with this gospel choir float
My favorite part about July is the time spent in Spring City.  Last night Rachel and I headed down after work with some friends.  After eating some dinner, making a quick stop at the ice cream social, and playing catch phrase with John and Paul, I headed to my comfy bed while the others all slept out in the pasture.  I'll take my bed over the hard bug infested ground any day.

This morning we were rudely awakened by the fire alarm signaling the fireman's breakfast.  This year we didn't go but decided to make our own.  The parade wasn't as good this year as it has been in the past but who's complaining?  One thing that we did not anticipate doing this year is something I never thought I would ever do.  While out on an ATV ride our friends Matt and TK randomly ended up helping a farmer herd a couple of his cows into a field and then were invited by his neighbor to come back later to.......help corral her llamas!  That's right, her llamas.  So we went back later to help round up some llamas.  Ok, I really just watched.....I didn't actually really do anything.  After two hours of watching 7 ATVs try to corner llamas we left with sunburns and a huge bag full of ground beef as payment for our time.
We finished off the night by enjoying the firework show in Spanish Fork.  The 24th of July is definitely my favorite summer holiday.  And yes, Tess, it totally trumps the 4th of July.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Today at work...

Kris Tina got hit on by a college student.  A premed student came in and sat down on the couch.  I was helping someone else so Kris Tina got cornered.  She was out in the front office getting a flyer for a prelaw student.  While she was grabbing the flyer the boy (still sitting on the couch) asks "do you work here?" all incredulous like.  She turned around and was like "ya." When she saw that he was premed she said "oh they can help you over at that desk (pointing to the premed desk)."  He looked at her for a few seconds, put his hand up and said "ummmm, no you can help me with what I'm looking for."  She looked at me and gave me a strange look and said, "ok, what?" He then proceeded to ask her a medical question.  She then told him she was the prelaw faculty advisor and that the premed student advisor can help him.  She rolled her eyes at me and as she walked back to her office the boy longingly looked after her. It was weird, but so funny.

Also today at work there was a girl down in the terrace of the Wilk on the piano and she was singing opera for literally (NOT exaggerating) 2 hours and 30 minutes.  It was so annoying!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pioneer Day Preview

The Spring City Pioneer Day Celebrations were advertised on the Deseret News website today.  This is the picture that accompanied the advertisement.  

Either this little girl is having the time of her life or she's scared out of her whits.  You decide.  I can definitely saw I WON'T be going on this ride on the 24th of July.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012