Friday, May 30, 2014

Start of Summer

May has flown by.  Where has the time gone?  Oh, I know- commuting.  This semester I'm commuting up to Salt Lake twice a week for a class in the BYU Salt Lake Center!

Anywhoo, my summer has not been a disappointment thus far.

My roommate Paige left for DC at the beginning of May.  She's interning for the NSA out there for the summer.  I miss her dearly (and it's only been 4 weeks).  I'm excited that I get to see her in 2 weeks for Aly's wedding out in New York!

Speaking of Aly, this is her (see above). The photo on the left was taken on the first day of fall semester when I barely knew them.  Their personalities definitely come through in this photo.  I've been so extremely blessed with roommates! I love these girls (and Elizabeth who is not pictured) so much.  They've become some of my best friends, and although I'm excited for Aly to be getting married in 2 weeks I'm going to be sad coming back to Provo to an empty apartment without her.

A couple weeks ago on Mother's Day we got to go up to Uncle Ned's to celebrate with the Franklin side of the family.  Since Nate had never been to Uncle Ned's place we went out to see all the animals.  Usually I wouldn't find that so fun, but this little girl (Arley- Shayla and Taylors daughter) was fun to put on my shoulders to explore the "farm"

Brooke and I bought tickets to go see Nickel Creek at Kingsbury Hall.  There's not much to say about them, but they're were really good live!

I've been spending most every weekend down in Spring City helping the parentals get ready for the Home Tour (which was last Saturday).  Ansley and Spencer came down a couple weeks ago to help mom and dad. We mostly just hung out, but we did help dad fix a fence and we ran errands.

There's been a joke going around the ward that Ansley and Spencer are dating (which they are not), but they've been joking about it so these are few of their (fake) engagement photos.  I love Spencer's face in the photo above

Obligatory Family Photo

Sunday, May 11, 2014


This is a beautiful tribute to all Mothers! But I must say mine is the best!