Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day to 3 Cool Dudes!

Words cannot express how much I love my dad and both my grandpas.  They are all amazing men and I owe them so much!

10 Things I Love About My Dad:
1. He supports and loves me unconditionally
2.  He never raises his voice
3.  He always asks if there is anything he can do for me
4. He has a sense of humor
5. He is unwavering in the Gospel and is a righteous priesthood holder
6.  He shares stories about his childhood
7. He taught me how to play card games
8.  He takes time out of his busy schedule to spend one-on-one time with each of his daughters
9. He lets me be DJ in the car
10.  Whenever I'm at home he'll say "it's sure nice to have you home."

Happy Father's Day Dad!

5 Things I Love About Grandpa Franklin:
1. He definitely has a sense of humor and is a tickle master
2. He is extremely sweet and sensitive towards others
3. He is a fishing boss!
4. He has a nickname for each of his grandchildren (mine's Gabby Abby)
5. He is one of the most selfless people I know

Happy Father's Day Grandpa!

Even though I have never met my Grandpa Barker I love him dearly.  I have heard numerous stories about him from my dad and I feel like I know him.  From what I've heard he was a genuine and loving man.  I feel like I have a special connection with Grandpa Barker, and cannot wait for the day when I get to meet him. 

Happy Fathers Day Grandpa!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Made me think of my childhood.

Read this.  This article reminded me of what it was like when I was a kid.  Now that I'm older and more independent I've realized how grateful I am for parents that made me speak up for myself.  I've watched as some friends are embarrassed to make doctors appointments or even just calling to make an appointment with the bishop.  Because my parents made me do this when I was little I can now reach out of my comfort zone and talk to people I wouldn't normally feel comfortable talking to.  Mom and dad- thanks for forcing me to make my own hair, doctor, dentist, etc. appointments all growing up.