I know I start almost every post with this but -- I'm really bad at keeping my blog up to date. So here is my pathetic attempt to recap everything that has happened in the past couple of weeks.
I'm still babysitting Henry every Wednesday night on campus while KTC teaches a class. I love the different ways students react when they see me with Henry - they either smile at Henry (because who wouldn't?) or they look at me like, "you have a baby?! You don't have a ring on." Oh well, I would claim Henry any day.
KTC and Son |
Last Friday night Rachel, Christi, and I went to the opening of the Andy Warhol exhibit at the MOA. As you can see we enjoyed ourselves.
Last Saturday was Evan's birthday so we went with him to the Alpine slide. Right after, those of us who had football tickets went to the game against Weber State. I walked over with Joseph, who was sporting the Weber State attire - he even had a foam claw. We got there with about two seconds left in the first half and it was so hot that I stayed until BYU got a touchdown in the second half and then left with Christi. So basically I just stayed for half time but I did NOT want to get sunburned.
Meet Jamal - BYU's #1 fan |
After attending my first Humor U event later that night we hurried home so we could decorate Evan's birthday cake. I think we did a pretty darn good job - don't you?
On Sunday I went to Kylie's farewell and my mom hosted the monthly family dinner in Salt Lake. About half of the family was missing but it's always nice to catch up with the fam bam, especially when they bring their babies
Arley and me |
On Tuesday my visual arts class went up to Rock Canyon to create art in nature. This is what my group came up with. We named it "Childs Play"
Last night we celebrated Kylie's 21st Birthday! She's going to make a great missionary in D.C.
Well that's all for now folks. I pinky promise I'll try to be better at blogging regularly so my posts aren't jumbled and, frankly, just messy.