Last week I finished working full-time as a nanny. Boy am I going to miss the little man. The family moved out of the ward last Friday, which was the last day I worked full time because my employer is a school teacher and school got out for the summer. These two pictures are my favorite from the last day on the job. The first is Johnny adorned with keys. He LOVES all kinds of keys. While the movers were moving furniture we were playing with about 6 sets of keys on the kitchen counter. He loved clanking them around and putting them on as necklaces, bracelets, and even rings. I love his facial expression and fuzzball-hair in this picture.
The second picture is Johnny watching the movers pull up in front of the house. He was in awe of the huge truck in the street. Please note the shoes he's wearing.
Johnny found my rape whistle on my keychain and is obsessed with it. I love how he laughs and how his face lights up when he whistles it.
It's nice to finally somewhat have a summer, where I have nothing to do in the day and can hang out with friends and family at night, but I miss this little tike and all of his antics more than I thought I would.
I have been occupying my time by sleeping in late, hitting up the gym, watching movies, and reading books. Oh and I've helped in the yard. My parents worked hard to clean it up in time for Brooke's homecoming. She did a great job and had a pretty good turnout at the house after.
with the Dee cousins (minus Elisabeth) at Brooke's homecoming |
Since the yard was clean, Erin, Brooke, and I decided to throw a BBQ last night. We invited 200 or so people and a fair amount actually showed up.....except mostly Erin's friends. Brooke and I contributed a whopping 12 guests. I figured it would mostly be Erin's friends since she has lived here longer than we have and knows more people. It actually wasn't as bad as I am making it sound, it was good to meet a few new people. Plus, dad voluntarily put up twinkle lights in the backyard for us so we could have some light. He said my Grandpa Barker use to put lights up in their backyard during the summer and they would sit on the back porch and enjoy the summer nights together.

Not all this week has been fun though. I went down with mom and dad to Spring City to check on the bee situation. A couple weeks ago we had a couple hundred bees in the attic. Some dead. Some alive. Well we walk in the other day and there are about a hundred dead bees all around the mudroom and kitchen. I guess it's a good thing because there weren't any anywhere else in the house and there were no live ones int the attic. It'll be a mystery to where they came from and why they came. But for now they're gone. In addition to having to help (ok, maybe watch) mom clean up bees, a mosquito somehow made its way up my jeans and bit me on my thigh. I had a bite the size of a hoppy taw that hurt like heck. The last three nights I've gone to bed with an ice pack around my leg. Thankfully, it's now the size of a dime and almost gone.
In other news this week: I played a match against Gardner (see above picture with Dees; he's the only boy). And I finally bought my ticket to visit one of my best friends and roommate, Rachel Fisher in a couple months. I'm flying into to Long Beach a couple days before school starts and then we're going to drive back up to Provo to move into our new apartment. I can't wait!
Have a great week, I know I will (I get to watch little Johnny a couple days this week)!