I've been done with school for two weeks now and it still doesn't really feel like summer. Maybe that's because my job requires me to keep school hours. I work from 8-4 everyday, nannying for a lady in my ward while she trains at Carden Memorial to be a 4th grade teacher next year. Although I have to get up earlier now than I did this whole year, I love my job! I get to hang out with a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed (almost) two year old. Most people think that babysitting all day long would be a nightmare but Johnny is so sweet tempered, hardly ever cries, and is a little energizer bunny. He keeps me on my feet but also is a great little helper. There was a dried piece of chocolate or something on the floor that he noticed, so he opened up a drawer, got out a rag, and started to try and wipe it up himself. He first tried wiping it with his hand, when that didn't work he set the rag down and began to do it with his feet, but to no avail. This, and other things, tired him out and when I turned my back he zonked out on the floor.

Not only is he a great helper around the house; he is not your typical two year old boy. He doesn't run amok and cause mischief like most toddler boys do. He is actually quite sensitive, as is evident by him dragging around and caring for a baby doll we found in a hall closet yesterday.
If you can tell a kids future by how he acts when he is little, well, then this kid has a great future ahead of him.
Before this week I was fortunate to have a little break between school and work. My friend Elizabeth stayed with me for a night before her plane left on Tuesday. We some of the touristy things since she had never really been to Salt Lake before. After I picked her up on Monday we went to Gateway with Rachel and then to East High with Kim. I felt like a total tourist in my own high school, but seeing that we had never taken pictures while we actually went to the school, Kim and I had decided to go back and take pictures on the High School Musical set. While there we got to catch up with our favorite teacher, Ms. Lake.
On our way to the airport the next morning, Rachel, Elizabeth, and I went and did baptisms. It was Elizabeth's first time in the Salt Lake temple, and I'm privileged to be the one to take her.
Later that day my family drove down to the Grand Canyon last week for a quick trip before Rachel jetted of to Washington D.C. for the summer. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. We spent Tuesday night in Spring City and arrived in Arizona Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday my dad, Erin, Rachel, and I traversed down a ways into the canyon and emerged back up on the rim 5 hours later. All I can say is "thank goodness for camelbaks." On Friday we left the hotel at 6:33 A.M. and arrived home in Salt Lake at 5:30 P.M. thanks to the congested traffic and road construction in Utah County.
Anyway, here are my favorite pictures from the trip:
It's just a shame that I had to leave this lovely weather for this.... (and remember it was the end of April)
Gotta love Utah weather |
Some other thoughts of today:
- Congratulations to Rachel on being Orrin Hatch's press intern for the summer!
- Brooke gets home in 22 days!
- Should I be concerned that in the past week I have watched a whole television series?! I don't care if I spent 36 hours to watch 4 seasons, I absolutely love this show! (thank you mom for buying this series)
- I miss Provo and my friends terribly (good thing we have skype)
- The U of U is just finishing finals. Ha!
- I loved driving in my car today with Johnny, and rolling my windows down so we could feel the wind on our faces....oh and singing with the windows down