Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bye bye Provo

Today I officially moved out of Provo for the next 8 months.  It was very bittersweet.  I'm ecstatic to go abroad but am sad to leave BYU, University Villa, and my roommates.  I've had such a great semester and have made many friends.  Although I could've done without finals.  They weren't too bad I guess, but I hate the stress that accompanies them.

Even with the stress I managed to have some time with no stress.  Thanks to Bishop Turley, Brother Brummer, Brother Tippetts, Brother Burt, and their wives I didn't have to worry about dinner on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Thanks to Rae Fish I got a little break from studying when we walked down to McDonalds to get a coke after a long night with Harold.
we took a couple orders and brought back some contraband for our roommates
 We were pretty slap happy which anybody could probably tell by just looking at us....we definitely got our exercise by walking down the block and dancing to "Love, love, love" by Avalanche City.  Oh what a night!

It's nice to be done with school for a little while and to get a break before heading out of the country.  Right now before I can just relax I'm trying to sort all my stuff from Provo into my bedroom.  I have no idea how I accumulated so much junk!  Oh well, it all has to go somewhere.  So wish me luck in cleaning my room!

Picture of the day:

These are all of the toothbrushes that my mom found while cleaning out our bathroom drawer.  I promise we're not pack rats, we just don't like wasting useful things.

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