Wednesday, December 14, 2011

FINALly almost done with FINALs

With 4 finals down and only 1 to go, this is what I feel like right now:

But this is how I feel about my awesome bishopric who has provided our whole ward with dinner the past two nights and again tonight:

This is how I feel about moving to London in 3 weeks:

But this is how I feel about leaving Provo tomorrow:

I guess I'll have to cast those emotions aside for now because now I need to study the rest of the day for my math final, pack up my stuff for good, and clean my apartment before heading to the great City next to the Lake with Salt!

BUT...before that I am adding my favorite picture of the week....well last week since I failed to blog about it then.  So I'll blog about it now.  Last Thursday I performed in my choir concert at the HFAC.  It meant a lot to me that my family came down to support me.  I have the best family hands down.  In addition to my family coming, my roommates purchased tickets and Rachel brought Mike along as well.  I had been telling them for months that they didn't have to come, but ever since they found out I would be having a concert at the end of the semester they insisted on coming to support me.  Not only do I have the greatest family, I have the best friends a girl could ask for.  I'm extremely blessed.
(there should be two photos but my family wouldn't pose with me)
after the concert

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