Friday, December 30, 2011

Savoring Utah

In my last weeks in Utah the things I have done include:

Welfare Square bakery assignment with Rach, visited Gateway too many times, traveled to Provo, Lord of the Rings, My Thai with Dees, Tamale Night at Crowleys, gym, airport for Erin, The Help with friends, Sherlock Holmes with Rachel and her friend Sam, phone chats with Rae Fish, help clean up after basement flood, puzzles, yard work with dad, Fashion Place mall, Mexican market and lunch with sisters and Tim, preparing for London, watch BYU beat Tulsa in the Bell Armed Forces bowl, watch Big Steam with dad (actually pretty good), the Messiah on Christmas, Christmas Eve at Franklin grandparents, The Broiler (a.k.a Market Street Grill), getting a head start on my London reading, enjoying the mountain view from my bedroom window, practiced my Christmas wrapping, Bright Star, etc.
Before and After 
I'm going to miss these kids! 
Annual tamale party
Troy teaching Erin how to do push-ups
Christmas Eve

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