Thursday, November 10, 2011

What I love most about Thanksgiving

I stole this off my mom's blog from last November.  

My Dad is an artist; always has been.  He ties flies, paints a little, and makes things in his workshop (once he made 4-person canoe).  My Dad also made the best snowmen on the block, but he didn't just make snowmen.  He made igloos big enough so that all of us could stand up inside them (at the same time), giant snow dogs, snow forts, and all kinds of snow sculpture.  He once made a life-size plaster-of-Paris hand painted/sculpted Santa. It stood in our living room during the month of December.
He drew and painted large wooden cut-outs of Santa sitting in an arm chair with his orange soda in hand and eight reindeer hooked up to Santa's sleigh waiting for Santa to hop in and take off from our well-lit roof (as soon as he finished his drink, of course).  We even had Rudolf, the Red-nosed reindeer.  My Dad's not a large man but he has a BIG imagination.

Dad's Holiday tradition started about 15 years ago.  He carved 6 Santas, one each for his 5 children and one for my Mom; each hand painted and unique. On Thanksgiving, Mom wrapped them up and we took turns choosing a package.  That was many Santas ago.  Each year on Thanksgiving day, my Mom passes out the wrapped packages and we choose the newest carving from my Dad. I'm sure that he is tired of carving 6 of the same figures each year, but we treasure them and anticipate them as much or more than the Thanksgiving meal.  I actually have friends who call after Thanksgiving Day to ask about the new carving .  Some years Santa comes equipped with a chair or a sled; a removable gift; wire eyeglasses; a basket with removable fruit; a separate hat rack with a removable hat; and a mug of hot chocolate with teeny-tiny marshmallows.  The details are amazing.

We cherish these folk-art carvings.  Some day they will be divided up amongst my children, but for now they reside on the living room mantel from Thanksgiving until New Year's each holiday season.

I wholeheartedly agree with my mom when she says we cherish grandpa's Santa carvings more than any other Christmas decoration (yes family, I love them even more than my ornaments).  I'm grateful that my grandpa has put so much time and effort into making these for my family.  If he ever reads this I want him to know that the carvings he has given me are among my most prized possessions and I will treasure them forever.  Whenever I see any of his carvings (which there are a couple displayed around my house year round) it is a reminder of how wonderful he and grandma are, and how much they love and care for their children and grandchildren.  My grandparents are seriously the two most selfless people I know; they would do ANYTHING for me.  I'll reiterate what my mom said about my grandpa- "he has a BIG imagination," and I'll add that "he has an even BIGGER heart."  Even though I don't see him or grandma on a regular basis I love it when I can go to Ogden for family dinners, give grandma a hug, and hear grandpa call me "Gabby Abby."

I am anxious to hopefully get another Santa in exactly two weeks, but more than that I'm excited to see my family on Thanksgiving.  This season I am thankful for and love my Franklin family!

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