Monday, November 21, 2011

Something on my thankful list

At the beginning of every Biology class a different students shares a spiritual thought.  Today a boy who has cerebral palsy stood up and shared this video:

At the end of this video he bore a spiritual testimony and said only two people have died for him: Jesus Christ and the American soldier.  He then ended by saying how sad he was because of how many seats will be empty on Thursday and how many unwrapped presents there will be on Christmas.  

It really hit home for me when he pointed out that seats will be empty this Thanksgiving because one seat will be empty for my family this year.  My cousin Troy is serving in the Army and although he is not in Afghanistan this Thanksgiving (he was a couple years ago) he is stationed in Germany right now.  I'm so grateful for his willingness and dedication to serve our country.  He is such a great example to me and I know we all miss him, especially this time of year!

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