Monday, November 7, 2011

Weird day at the library

This year my favorite place to study has been on the second floor in the map section.  Today I went to meet Rae Fish like I always do.  I sat down and looked at the kid across from me and low and behold, it's a boy who is always down there who I think is pretty cute so I was fine with sharing the table.  Two minutes after I sit down three boys behind us start talking in some language I couldn't understand.  Two of them were helping the third on some homework.  It would've been ok except not only were they loud, they were making us laugh because of what they were saying.  They were each saying "jjjjjjjjjjjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa.....jjjjjhhhhhaaaa....jjjjjjhhhhhhhunca."  So less than 3 minutes after sitting down, Rachel and I packed up and headed out (much to my dismay because of the cute boy sitting across from me).

We headed up to the 4th floor and started to put our stuff down on a table when we realized how close we were to the stairwell (where talking is allowed) and immediately looked at each other and at the same time we grabbed our stuff and started looking for seat #3.

We finally found a suitable place in the children's literature section.  After a while we had the table to ourselves, which is what everyone wants: space.  A little while after that something caught my eye and I looked up.  There was a 50 something year old man with an afro that was totally fake.  I leaned to Rachel and asked, "do you think that hair is real?"  I tried not to giggle because I didn't want to seem rude but then the man came, sat at our table with a childrens book, and laxidasically put his leg up on the table.  Rachel couldn't contain herself and had to leave because she was having a laughing fit.  I didn't want to stare, but then the man started to sing "Rise and Shout."  He was singing all opera-like and started gaining volume.  Soon enough everyone was looking at my table and then this was what happened next:

Man: "everybody join me, start singing.".......silence


Man: "What you have no school spirit?  Rise and Shout the Cougars are out......"


Boy at table next to me: "This is a quite floor."

Man, while standing up: "Well I guess I'll go to the University of Utah. They have more spirit."

After the man walked away.....

Boy at table next to me: "I bet that was a psych professor just doing some study."

Rachel came back after recovering from her laughing fit.....too bad she missed the singing.  Needless to say I didn't get much done today at the library....and I'm guessing Rachel didn't either since at the moment she is walking in our front door.  Now we are trying to study at home.

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