Monday, December 3, 2012

Absent from Blogging World

Thankfully my finals week doesn't look too stressful.  This week however....
Instead of finals in many of my classes I just have final projects that have been taking up most of my time lately, hence no blog updates.
I do have a ton I need to catch up on in the blogosphere, but that will have to wait a couple of days.
For the next 48 hours I will be doing nothing but school work.  After Wednesday afternoon 95% of my stress will be blown away.  So for the rest of you with finals coming up....

Good luck!


  1. Good luck with your finals. Can't wait for the Christmas break!!!

  2. While you are sleeping, I will be studying. While I am sleeping, you will be studying. So we are technically studying around the clock. Kudos to us. Good luck! See you in one week.
