Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'm baaaa-aack

I've been back for 5 days now.  It feels like I never left.  Although I would go back to London in a heartbeat, I'm glad I'm home.  My original plan was to stay home this summer and take a couple classes at the BYU Salt Lake center.  Well my plans have been turned upside down the last two weeks.  I signed up for classes in Provo, signed a contract to live in a house with Rachel, and got a job at the preprofessional advisement center on campus.
On Tuesday I drove down to Provo with Rachel who dropped me off at my old apartment.  Rachel Fisher was the only one who knew I would be there early so I got to surprise Tess and Cara.  Their bishopric gives the students dinner all of finals week so I went to that even I'm technically not in the ward anymore.  Later we went with Kylie, Joseph, and Evan to the hospital for milkshakes.  If you're ever in Provo and are in need of a treat try Cafe West in the hospital.  It's good.  Then we finished the night by watching A Knights Tale.  My roommates let me crash on the couch that night.  It was kinda weird going to my old apartment and not having a bed.  But the couch wasn't too bad.
Yesterday morning I had a job interview in the Wilk and then I grabbed some lunch at J Dawgs with Rachel and Cara.  Since I didn't have school or anything else to do I hung out at their apartment and then Rae Fish drove out to Spanish Fork with me so I could sign my new housing contract.  Then I crashed another ward dinner and a dinner at Brick Oven for our friend Steph whose parents bought pizza for her graduation party.  After a little convincing I gave in and joined my roommates and some friends country dancing.  It was fun but I'll admit I'm not a dancer.
This morning I woke up and helped Brooke clean her apartment and move home.  Now I'm in Salt Lake but am heading back down tomorrow to hang out with the girls some more before they all leave me for the summer. 
I've missed them.

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