I can't believe I haven't blogged in 2 1/2 months. I have to be better, but since I can't go back in time I am going to do what I have done in the past and recap using photos.
My roommate Paige danced in the BYU Spectacular back in September.
I went to the Lumineers concert with Rachel and her friend Brett. We had been looking forward to it for months, only for it to get cut short because of the wind after 4 songs were performed. Blast.
I got to hang out with my favorite cousins on the Barker side.
Our own little Holy War |
Grad Fair was a success this year. I work for the best office on campus.
Fall definitely hit Provo this year and Elizabeth and Brad showed their true feelings for the season.
Tess got engaged on her birthday and we were lucky enough to all be together to "surprise" her on her birthday....although she had the real surprise when she showed us the ring.
Congrats Tess and David
Celebrated Eric's birthday
Carved pumpkins. Everyone thought mine and Paige's was an electric bicycle. No. It is Harry Potter
The PPAC pulled off a great Law Fair this year too. I'm going to miss not being there for next years.
Halloween 2013
(Rosie the Riveter, Lumberjack, Cher from Clueless, Hipster, and Siri)
Aly had her senior piano recital the other day. I had to leave right after so we didn't get a roommate picture so I'll post one of her trying on the stunning dress she wore.
Congrats Aly!
Thanksgiving came early this year with the PPAC dinner at the Carlklefs